About Us
Because we believe in YOU

When you make a purchase with us, we will send you a U.S. EE/E Savings Bond (This is not a guarantee/stipulations below) You too can purchase U.S. Savings Bonds as a gift for yourself or someone else
www.savingsbonds.gov .
I'd like to buy a savings bond as a gift. What if I don't know the owner's Social Security Number? If you don't know the Social Security number of the bond recipient and you are buying a paper savings bond, you may use your own. The Social Security Number printed on the paper savings bond does not establish tax liability or ownership. It is used only to find records if the savings bond is lost, stolen, or destroyed, should the owner not have a record of the serial number. Bond denomination and whether one will be sent with your purchase depend upon the amount of your purchase, company gains, expenses, and other influences for that quarter and year
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